For patient monitoring Rivers distributes 46 motorcycles

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Rivers State has a tuberculosis treatment success rate that exceeds the World Health Organization’s threshold, at 96%, according to the state’s government.

This information was shared by Dr. Adaeze Oreh, the Commissioner for Health in Rivers State. Oreh also mentioned that Rivers State has been recognized as the third leading state in the national campaign to eradicate tuberculosis by the Federal Ministry of Health.

Dr. Oreh delivered a speech at the state’s 23 LGA TB management transfer and commissioning ceremony, during which 46 motorcycles were distributed to supervisors and helpers specializing in tuberculosis health.

According to the commissioner, tuberculosis supervisors will be able to find more TB patients and reach the state’s goal treatment success rate of 100 percent if they have access to motorcycles, which will allow them to do better community surveillance.

“Tuberculosis is one of those infamous infections which have been killing nations across the globe, particularly low- and middle-income nations like Nigeria,” Dr. Oreh stated.

Gathered here with these 46 motorcycles are representatives from the Federal Ministry of Health, the National Tuberculosis and Leprosy Control Programme, and the Global Fund. They will be distributed to the TB supervisors and deputies in each of the 23 local government regions.

Active community surveillance is known to be the front line in fighting this fatal infectious disease. The TB supervisors and deputies will be able to reach all corners of our villages on these motorcycles, finding anyone who could be sick and getting them the treatment they need.

The treatment success rate in Rivers State is 96%, which is higher than the WHO standard, which may be of interest to you. However, I am convinced that we (Rivers) will achieve complete treatment success with these bikes.

“Our goal is to make Rivers State free of tuberculosis,” the statement said, “and the Federal Ministry of Health has recognized us as the third-best state in the country in our efforts to eradicate tuberculosis.”

The commissioner elaborated, saying, “We realized that reaching our communities and other locations can be very hard, so these motorcycles have been provided to assist them to do that work, to find people.” This will allow them to do their job better in the communities where they are needed.

“To locate our fellow citizens residing in remote areas who may be enduring the disease in silence, confirm their identities, initiate treatment, and ultimately eradicate tuberculosis from Rivers State.”

According to Dr. Ndidi Chikanele Utchay, the state’s Permanent Secretary of Health, the TB LGA supervisors were informed that the motorcycles being given to them were not for personal use, but rather to help access regions that are difficult to reach. To aid in TB efforts in the state, that is why these motorcycles have been bestowed upon you.

Take care of it and treat it with the respect it deserves. This is not meant for commercial use. We expect you to use it and complete your work so that the state can get high-quality data.

According to her, “you should be able to get genuine data from that” when one visits their local government for testing.

The Ogba-Egbema-Ndoni tuberculosis supervisor, Edemede Victor, made a solemn pledge on behalf of his colleagues to do all in their power to ensure that tropical diseases like tuberculosis are completely eradicated from the state.

The Federal Ministry of Health, the National Tuberculosis and Leprosy Control Programme, global funds, and other partners were involved in the endeavor, according to DAILY POST.

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